Monday, October 24, 2011

My Juice Fast results the Day After

As down and almost depressed I was this weekend, I woke up this morning ready for the world! Probably because I knew I was coming off of this fast! I am really proud of what I did and for even just trying something I’d always been curious about. But it was not easy, by any means! I think some people have an easier time, and others not so much! I’m in between…

Since my computer has been acting up, and I had trouble making my results video longer, I will write about my “feelings” results I got from this experiment. Had I gone to a doctor before and after, I’d have more hard evidence. But how my body feels can be pretty important too! I will also post my video above.

  1.             My total weight loss for the week is 6.5 lbs. Wow! How crazy is that? Of course I am sure I will gain some back, but I hope not all. I have been actually working on finding my ideal weight and having been losing weight lately, so we shall see how my weight settles as time passes. My biggest hurdle is my overeating, and I work hard on it everyday. I love conscious eating, but it can be tough in this day and age. But I will just have to keep rooting for the importance of my health and my life!
  2.       My digestion started to feel a bit better. When I started, I had a lot of intestinal pain and I wasn’t sure why. So far, that’s now mostly gone away. I do still need to aid my intestines in terms of full digestion, but now I am getting a sense of when its diet related and when it isn’t. It seems as though my body really did need a break to recalibrate itself! I really never imagined it would need it, considering my relatively clean diet. So, I have decided that maybe juice fasting 1-2 days a month for 1-2 days may benefit me a lot! We’ll see how I do...
  3.       If I ever do something like this again, I will do it with someone who works with people going through fasts and knows how to cater to each individual. I am not sure I got in enough juice and caloric intake. And though I realize that on a normal basis I do not need very much complete protein, I do believe that I wouldn’t do well without it for longer than this. Even today I’m still having troubles, and I suspect it may be lack of protein. But we shall see. Some people can go without protein for long periods of time, and some people can’t. Knowing which one you are is the key! 
  4.       As I suspected towards the beginning of this experiment, and knowing how my body is, I was skeptical whether I’d really see or feel many results while I was doing this. And the truth is, I didn’t…much. My acid reflux is doing okay, but not great, which goes to show that I just need to see my doctor. I do have a hiatal hernia, so its not just my diet that causes issues. But! There is a BUT! I have this great feeling that in the coming weeks I will start seeing results. Like better digestion, more energy, and more liveliness. And hopefully a glow to my skin!
  5.       And last but not definitely not least, I need to try harder to stay off of caffeine! I get addicted quite quickly, but oh yes, I know how it all beacons to me with its sweet loving ways it disguises itself!

Well, that’s what I have for now. I will try to check in again in about a week for more thoughts I may have and any more results. Otherwise, check back here for more endeavors and to check me out as a professional health coach to help you in your endeavors (they are tough to do on your own, and I’m just showing that I work hard and struggle sometimes too!) check out my website:

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