Thursday, October 27, 2011

Some great goodies!

Here are pics of some exciting foods I've been eating this week. Such great ways to mix up the way we eat fruits and veggies!
 Yummy Acorn Squash! Just cut it in half, scoop out the innards, bake cut side down at 350 for 45-60 minutes and melt your fav kind of butter (not too much!) and 1 tsp each side of brown sugar. I can't wait to keep trying more ways to eat this super yummy squash

 A baked Gala apple and baked pear. I cut them in half and cut out the core and put them on parchment paper in a baking dish, cut side down. Mix 2 tsp real maple syrup and 3 tsp water and cinnamon to taste and pour it on the halves before flipping them over. Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 350 for about 40 minutes. Then drizzle a bit more maple syrup to taste. So satisfying! I got the recipe from the Reboot program from the "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" documentary. I modified it since I didn't have or want raisins. I love to modify! :)

 I tried it with Fuji apples too

 A great warming Carrot and Ginger soup that I had from a raw food Live Lightly plan I did awhile back. I still love this soup. 

 The soup with raw nori in it since I didn't have dulse flakes. It also had a few chunks of avocado. Looks festive for Halloween!

My makeshift cucumber dill avocado soup. I didn't use any kind of milk because it was still day 8 and I didn't go back on protein until day 10. it was still quite yummy! Cucumber, salt, pepper, dill, parsley, 1/2 an avocado. Voila!

Do you have great veggie or fruit recipes? Dig them out again and mix things up! And baked fruit is so great for the fall! 

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